• Satin or Silk? What’s the Best Pillowcase for Your Hair?

    Choosing the right pillowcase can make a world of difference when it comes to preserving your hair’s health and preventing breakage. Some of the most popular options out there are satin and silk, but which one is better? Read on to find out about their benefits and drawbacks, as well as some surprising facts about these fabrics that you may not have known before!

    Why we love sleeping on silk

    Sleeping on silk pillowcases is great for hair, especially if you’re trying to grow it out. Satin and silk pillows don’t cause your hair to get tangled because they glide easily across your hair. They also aren’t abrasive like cotton pillowcases can be. While cotton rips out your hair when you move around in your sleep, satin and silk don’t rip it at all, making for more time between trips to the salon. We recommend getting a pair of satin pillowcases from Slick Rest. These will help keep your hair healthy as you rest.

    Why you should sleep on silk

    Satin travel pillowcases are made from finely woven, highly durable silk fabrics. They keep your hair’s natural moisture locked in throughout the night, allowing your strands to retain their suppleness and softness. Sleeping on satin also prevents breakage and split ends, keeping your hair looking its best longer. And because of their antibacterial properties, these pillowcases can be machine-washed without any risk of fabric degradation.

    Satin vs. Silk – which one is better?

    Satin and silk pillowcases are often touted as some of the best hair care products out there, especially for those with fine, silky hair. But which is best for your tresses: the satin travel pillowcase, the best silk pillowcase for hair? We take a look at how they compare to help you make an informed decision. Satin vs. Silk – which one is better? A few things to keep in mind when choosing between these two materials include fabric quality, breath ability, color options, and price. Both fabrics offer many benefits for your hair health but only if you choose a high-quality option that’s made from real fibers rather than synthetic ones. If you’re looking for something affordable that will offer great protection against breakage, consider a satin travel pillowcase. Silky pillowcases are a soft, affordable, and comfortable way to make your hair shine like it has been styled in a salon.

  • Melatonin: The Best Natural Sleeping Aid

    Sleep is essential for your mental and physical health. When you wake up from a good night’s sleep, your memory, decision-making, and creativity get a boost. We all know how frustrated and stressed we feel when we go without sleep for a long time. Lack of sufficient sleep has also been linked to several health conditions like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes

    That said, poor sleep is becoming a more common problem and insomnia is at an all-time high. There’s a lot you can do to improve the quality of your sleep, such as developing good sleeping habits and practices. But, they’re not always enough. Sometimes you need a little extra help. If you’re looking for natural sleep aids for insomnia, melatonin is your safest bet. Let’s have a look at what it’s all about.

    How Melatonin Works and Its Benefits

    Melatonin is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body in response to darkness. When these hormones are released, your brain knows it’s time to sleep. Melatonin levels naturally increase in the evening and fall in the morning.

    Taking melatonin supplements is becoming a popular way to induce sleep. It shortens the time it takes for you to fall asleep and increases the time for which you sleep. It subsequently reduces daytime sleepiness and fatigue.

    As another advantage, this sleeping aid helps in increasing the overall quality of sleep. It increases REM sleep, a stage that restores your brain and promotes good memory and learning. 

    Melatonin especially helps when the melatonin cycle has been disrupted, such as when someone is jet lagged. It strengthens the body’s sleep-wake cycle which results in a consistent sleep routine. The supplement also helps in elevating your mood and energy levels. Besides, it has several other health benefits like improving immune function and regulation of metabolism and digestion. 


    Melatonin is the most used and effective sleep aid for insomnia available today. It not only increases the duration of your sleep but also sleep quality. It is particularly helpful for people who are jet lagged or individuals who need to sleep during the daytime because of their work schedule. There are a lot of other health benefits to melatonin, a few of which are still being researched.

  • Calming Accessories for a Better Night’s Sleep

    The tide has shifted back again and the mentality of the people has changed. The focus is now on mental health, getting a good night’s sleep, and exercising. Your brain needs quality rest to properly function during the day. However, some people have difficulty sleeping at night. Insomnia is the trend, and many people suffer from it, thereby reducing productivity and creativity levels.

    Here you can now find a wealth of products that assist in getting a sound sleep. Here is the list of items that will make you fall asleep like a baby:

    • Made of high-quality Egyptian cotton, the weighted gravity blanket will answer your prayers and give you the right amount of pressure to help you sleep better at night. It also maintains your sleep score, and you can change the settings accordingly to get your perfect sleep.
    • Try the cuddle bow pillow. It is an all-in-one package with a blanket attached. It offers you a full comfort zone and is the best travel pillow. If you find yourself disturbed in places like airplanes or buses, then this pillow is the match for you. It dampens the noise and warms your ears. It has an attached eye mask and soothes you to sleep.
    • A white noise machine, perfect for the urban population, effectively blocks out street and background noise. It is a portable machine and your travel buddy, and it is perfect for light sleepers.
    • The chin trap, made for chronic snorers, is a comfortable device that is not expensive and cures snoring. As the name suggests, this device forces the person to close their mouths and breathe through their nose. So there is no scope for snoring.

    You can now get your perfect night’s sleep with the above products. They are the most recommended products that help you improve your sleep cycle. With so much stress in life, these products are a blessing in disguise. In addition, maintaining a good diet and a healthy lifestyle is crucial to fixing your sleep problems. Turn off all lights in your room and enjoy a restful night’s sleep!

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